22-24 May 2024, Kiel, Germany


The workshop will take place in the building of the department of mathematics of the university which is located at the northern end of the university's main campus. The address is Heinrich-Hecht-Platz 6, 24118 Kiel.

The closest bus stops are Rankestraße (line 91) and Universität (lines 60S, 61, 62, 81). At the main station, the buses leave from platforms B1 (91, direction Friedrichsort), A2 (60S, direction Universität), B2 (61/62, direction Suchsdorf/Projensdorf), C1 (opposite the street, 81, direction Universität).

The conference dinner is scheduled for Thursday, 23 May at the restaurant “Forstbaumschule”, which is located in the northwest corner of the park with the same name. The address is Düvelsbeker Weg 46, 24105 Kiel.
